Happiness Through Ages


According to research we have around sixty thousand thoughts in a day. More than 90 percent of these thoughts are  negative in nature. We have been designed in such a manner to have more of negative thoughts since our cavemen ages to protect ourselves from the day to day harm from animals. It was required at that time to remind the person all the time about the danger so that he is prepared. Human being has evolved since caveman times but human mind has not evolved with the changing circumstances. Whenever there is an upcoming danger a hormone called epinephrine is released. Epinephrine prepares us for Flight, Fight or Freeze response.  Most people know epinephrine by its other name—adrenaline. This hormone rapidly responds to stress by increasing your heart rate and rushing blood to the muscles and brain. It also spikes your blood sugar level by helping convert glycogen to glucose in the liver. (Glycogen is the liver’s storage form of glucose.).The System was designed to protect us.

There are 4 other chemicals which are called happy chemicals which are secreted for the survival and well being of human beings viz.,





1.Endorphins: Its main function is to mask pain. Like if we had to run for safety to far of place and in the process we had to gone quite far from our cave and our society then we would still have energy to come back and this energy is produced due to secretion of Endorphin. It is also called runners high. Like when we run every day and we still like to go for run in spite of pain. When we laugh nonstop we get pain in belly but we still like to laugh as Endorphin produced from laughing masks the pain of laughing.

2. Dopamines: It is happy hormone which is easy to produce. If we post something on social media and we get a like. The moment we get a like dopamine is produced. In caveman times when we were given number of tasks to be done on certain day and moment we finish a task it produces dopamine. Drinking alcohol also produces dopamine. Dopamine is produced both in brain and in our gut. Our brain is connected to our gut through vagus nerve which passes through our throat. If we stimulate the vagus nerve it stimulates the production of Dopamine in our body. Gambling also produce dopamine.

3. Sertonin: This chemical is pride chemical. When we go up in status oxytocin is released. That is why we always work hard to increase our status. When our status is increased we are given respect. Along with respect comes the preference in seat, better pay package and preference in food. But all this comes with responsibility. Responsibility of overall welfare of the creed and you will have to lead from the front.

4.Oxytocin: When a lady is pregnant and is about to deliver the baby a huge burst of oxytocin is produced. It helps her overcome the pain of delivery. It is also secreted when we hug someone. When we express love or receive love oxytocin chemical is released. As it is said that art of living is in giving. When we do an act charity oxytocin is released.

In this modern world we have to learn how to increase the happy chemicals and regulate the production of adrenaline in our body.