
What are the core principles of professional selling?

The core principles of professional selling are: 01. Remember, People buy from the people they trust.  And People trust the people they like. People like the people they can connect with. People connect with people who show Authenticity Reliability Integrity and honesty Vulnerability Humility Empathy and Care People with whom they can relate. Authentic connection and Empathy and Care build Trust. Our self preservation system can feel empathy and care. Trust is basis of all relationships. 02 People take decisions based on emotions and justify it with logic. Emotional Engagement with customer is very important in selling but adding logic element is equally important. If customer is not given logical justification for buying this product then he will experience buyer's remorse or buyer's regret later. 03 Best known product wins…
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How can I be Best Salesman

  Once a person asked me how I can be best salesman. I replied First Understand  Sales  is a very Noble Profession. It is the only aspect of business which brings in money. No business can survive unless you are able to Sell, Sell, Sell but question is how well do you sell. First and most important thing to become a better Salesman is to develop right mindset and attitude. Then Understand your product and have information as to why your product is better than others. Believe in your product from the core of your heart. Be expert in your product and your industry. There are some tricks of every trade and find out what they are for your industry and make use of them to your advantage. Remember people…
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Application of AI, ML and Blockchain in Retail Industry. How these technologies are transforming the shopping Experience.

The retail Industry is one of the Largest Industries  in the world. The Indian retail market is estimated to be US$ 600 Billion and it is one of the top five retail markets in the world by economic value. India is one of the fastest growing retail markets in the world, with 1.35 Billion people population. As consumers we all have common needs and wants; we want to shop conveniently, find out what we want fast and then get back to our lives without wasting much time or money on transportation. With the latest technologies such as AI, ML and Blockchain, the retail industry will be transformed for ever. Let us take a look at how 4th Industrial revolution  can change the shopping experience and Why they are important to…
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How Content Strategy for Sales Can Win Over Customers And Increase Sales

  Content Strategy do help in winning customers. "Content is King" Bill Gates in 1996. If your content provides relevant value consistently to the customers it will then help you  position yourself as thought leader and an expert. Remember, people trust experts. Trust is the basis of all relationships. people buy from the people they trust. Trust is the only currency that runs the market. Make sure that your content is relevant and attracts right people to your Blog or post. Have you built a customer Avtar? We should build customer Avtar with clearly defined Demographics and Psychographics. Then your Content Strategy  should be such to address your customer Avtar. People not only buy from the people they trust but also take decision based on emotion and justify it with…
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Channels of Sales in Retail

A channel is a medium through which a customer interacts with a Business. It can be either Single Channel Multi Channel OR Omnichannel Single Channel can be either Brick or Mortar Store or it can be an online store or it can be through social media viz., Instagram or Facebook etc. A multichannel approach uses multiple channels to spread its message to the customer. Here channels are separate and channels don’t interact with each other. In multichannel approach touch points are not sharing data with each other. In omnichannel approach various channels integrates with each other to create seamless experience. In omnichannel approach customers can switch easily between channels. Actually multichannel evolves itself to become omnichannel.
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Demand Forecasting in Retail Selling

Self Help
Demand Forecasting is predicting the future demand of our product in advance for a specific period of time on the basis of past historical data and current trends. It is useful in (1).Planning production of goods. (2).Budgetary Planning. (3).Suitable pricing and ad strategies. (4).avoiding wastage of products/goods Forecasting will vary depending upon kind of products for example (1). Consumer Durable goods (2).Non Durable Consumer goods (3).Producer Goods/Capital Goods Forecasting can be done at different Levels viz (1).Industry Level (2).Firm Level Forecasting can be for  different time frame (1).Short   term (6 months to 1 Year) (2). Long term   (2 to 5 years) Methods of Demand Forecasting (1). Qualitative Method (Survey Method) (2). Quantitative Method (Statstical Method) Qualitative Methods:- (a). The Delphi Technique or Expert opinion Method (b). Sales Force Opinion/ Collective…
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Salesmanship Skills

Salesmanship Skills: Following are the salesmanship skills required to become star salesman. Ability to Empathise. Build Authentic Connections. Authentic connection Builds liking and trust. People buy from people they trust. Ability to understand the feelings of the customers its like to be in the customer's shoes. Ability to dig deep enough to uncover the pain points of the customers. People don't buy products for its features but for its benefits. People don't buy products for pleasure but they buy the products to get out of the pain points. Pain points drive the customers to take decision. It is the duty of the salesman to uncover the pain points of the customers.  Be fearless or Build Resilience: When we sell out of fear of loosing the sale or listening to NO…
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How to Build Self Confidence

Self-confidence is a learnable skill. It takes time to build confidence but with constant practice and persistent efforts we can build self confidence. 01.Our thoughts influence our mind and affects our personality. If we Control our thoughts it will control our mind and personality. Its simple but not easy. Sometimes negative flow of thoughts overwhelm us. It is advisable to take a long breath and change the flow of thoughts. 02.Confront your fears and failures and fix them. It will increase your self confidence. 03.Set Realistic goals. If we set realistic goals and achieve them it increases our self-confidence. 04.Act Confident. It is well said as to "Fake it unless you make it". Once you make it then you don't have to fake it. Improve your body language to act…
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11 Hacks to Successfully Transition from Employee to Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is a long journey and requires you to hustle. You will have to do multitasking and might have to learn new skills. You will have to break the mantle shackles and follow the discipline of an entrepreneur. It is a way of life. Be ready for the failures. It is not important that how many times you fall but it is important that how fast you get up after you fall. There will be no office politics and no one to push you up. Following hacks will make your transition easier. Identify your niche: It is the first and most important aspect of entrepreneurship. It is the intersection of what you love (your passion), what the world needs (your mission), what are you good at (your vocation) and what…
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How to be in Control of Sales?

To be control of Sales we should speak less and let the customer speak more.                                                        It is possible by asking probing questions.  The more you ask questions more the prospect will speak and more the prospect will speak the more he will reveal. Moreover when a person is speaking he cannot think of anything else and he will be giving you full attention. We as a sales men have habit of speaking more. But we will have to control our urge to speak and let the customer speak. Appreciate what the customer want. Build authentic connections. Do not convince the customer to do…
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